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Tag: Raleigh

Coffee Talk: Getting my #bosslady on at Create & Cultivate L.A.
Today on Coffee Talk, I wanted to share some of my experiences at Create & Cultivate L.A. This was my second time attending the Create & Cultivate conference (first time was Seattle last year)...

Coffee Talk: These are a few of my favorite things
Good morning! It's Monday (again) - they just keep coming back around don't they? I'll be having an extra cup of coffee this morning because this weekend went by much too fast. Today on Coffe...

Coffee Talk: Okay ladies, now let’s get in formation
1 year. I can hardly believe it's been a year since the inauguration. So much has happened in a single year that it all seems like a blur. More recently, the #metoo movement has shed light on a subje...

Coffee Talk: A New Series
I wanted to start this by saying "Happy Monday", but then had that moment where I typed the words, and felt completely fake because - let's face it - not every Monday is a happy one. I'm finally st...

Casual Glam for the New Year
Happy New Year everyone! Nathan and I traveled to Nashville for Christmas to visit my mom, and then to southern California to visit my dad and that side of the family. We had a great time visiting fam...