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Tag: Durham Blogger

Small Business Spotlight – Margaret Hennessey
Welcome to the first Doctorette Small Business Spotlight! Supporting small businesses is a passion area of mine - and hopefully yours too. They are invaluable in the creation of diversity in the w...

The Doctorette Gazette – Vol. 1
It's 2019 and we're living in a Marie Kondo world. (Marie Kondo is the author of, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up", and the creator of the KonMari method of tidying.) It may seem th...

Shopbop Sale 2018 Favorites
The Shopbop sales is one of the best sales of the year. If you're new to Shopbop, it's an online store that sells a variety of designer women's brands ranging from Converse to Chanel. I was first ...

Coffee Talk: Illumination at St. Agnes Hospital
Illuminating. That's the word I chose to describe my experience at the Snap Pea September Pop-up dinner at the historical site of St. Agnes Hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina. From the lit...

#WeddingWednesday: Wearing White
Nathan and I woke up yesterday morning and realized that our wedding is 2 months away! A definite "woah" moment. Since we have so many o...