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Category: Fashion

Birthday in Birmingham
When I told my friends that I was spending my birthday with Nathan in Birmingham, Alabama I received a few raised eyebrows. I interviewed for a postdoctoral position at the University of Alabama-Birmi...

A Sunday Afternoon on Rosemary
If any of you have been following along on Instagram, you may have seen our many trips in the pursuit of home improvement. Ikea, Lowe's, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Target...it's been a busy time for us! ...

Palm Pulitzer for St. Patty’s Day
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope that all of you are out doing something just as festive as my dress that I picked out for this occasion! I tend to strike out with Lilly Pulitzer because a lot of the ...

An Afternoon in Rice Village
This past weekend Nathan and I went to Houston for a fellow almost PhD boss lady's wedding. Once all of the wedding festivities were over and the newly weds were off, we had just one afternoon to spen...

Art Deco in Durham
The weekend started early for me because we are heading out of town for the wedding of a dear friend of mine, and fellow academic boss babe in Houston, TX (cue happy dance!). So to celebrate, we decid...